New Plymouth Rewinds


Your Electric Motor and Drive Specialists

Quality - Expertise - Advancement

New Plymouth Rewinds Ltd repair and overhaul electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres, right here in the energy province - Taranaki, New Zealand.

We offer an IANZ accredited inspection facility providing services for Ex d, Ex E, Ex n and Ex td (formerly DIP) classification to repair to the latest AS/NZS 3800:2012 standard.

New Plymouth Rewinds

Hazardous Area Equipment Repair & Overhaul

Accreditation to inspect to ISO/IEC 17020 with endorsements Exd, Exn, Exe and Exn for electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres.

Electric Motor & Generator Rewinds

We rewind electric motors generators, armatures and transformers up to 1000 volts.

Electric Motor Overhaul and Refurbishment

Fully equipped workshop to overhaul and test centrifugal pumps, submersible pumps, hoists, compressors, cranes and most rotating equipment.

Electric Motor Sales

We sell most major brands as well as a large stock of motors pumps and drives in our dedicated show room. Also a range of hazardous area motors in stock for ‘prompt service to the oil and gas industry’.